Friday, June 11, 2010

Missouri Youth Tour Banquet

Goodmorning everyone!

I am running around like a chiken with my head cut off, trying to get ready for the trip to D.C.... My bedroom consists of piles upon piles of clothing, shoes and stuff (for packing).
My parents and I are starting for Jeff City around 4, to go to the "kickoff" banquet for the 2010 Youth Tour! I am very excited. Before we leave town, I am hoping to stop by the library and get some books about Washington D.C.; I think it would be really neat to learn about places while going to see them!
Guess I better get off here and get busy...
1. Iron dresspants for flight tomorrow
2. Pack jewelry for trip
3. Finish packing and weigh my suitcase...(it has to be exactly 50 lbs.-sheesh!)
4. Paint toenails
5. Tweeze eyebrows
6. Wrap gift for Esther (sister who's birthday is today!)
7. TRY to clean my room (WARNING: DISASTER AREA)

...As you can see, I still have much to prepare, so I will catch you'all later!

~Abigail Majerus

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to following you....D.C. is quite a glad you get to go.
